Karl Tiefenbacher

Company: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)


Prof. Dr. Karl Tiefenbacher is University Lecturer for Confectionery Technology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna and Consultant to the Food Industry. From 1989 to 2014 he was Head of the Department ‚Research and Application Development‘ with FHW Franz Haas Waffelmaschinen in Leobendorf, Austria.

He is Author of the Reference Books on Wafers: ‘The Technology of Wafers and Waffles I: Operational Aspects’ (2017), and ‘The Technology of Wafers and Waffles II: Recipes, Product Development & Knowhow (2018), published at Elsevier.


Wafer Biscuits Manufacturing – Technological Insights and Developments

Wafer biscuits, mostly a combination of crisp, light wafers with fillings and optional chocolate enrobing are a small, 5 to 10 percent segment within the about 80 Bio$ biscuit market worldwide. After an overview on the different products from both, low/no sugar wafers and sugar wafers the emphasis is on technological issues in wafer manufacturing.

Fluid batters and the steam leavening generate the typical light texture. Technical developments, the basis of better products and the perspectives are discussed. Wafers after baking are sensitive to moisture and require good packaging. The playing ground for product development in wafers are: texture, forms, and fillings. The presentation finishes with trends and outlooks in today’s wafer biscuit market.


No/low sugar wafers, Sugar wafers, Texture, Baking technology, Moisture sensitivity, Product survey, DevelopmentsDuration 45 min (Discussion time about 10 min included)

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