Peter Velds

Country: Belgium
Company: Cargill
Connect: LinkedIN


Peter Velds has been actively involved in baking during his entire life, beginning from when he would regularly help out at his family’s bakery while still at school. After graduating from the Vakschool Wageningen bakery school in the Netherlands, Peter’s professional career has seen him hold senior bakery roles at Unilever, and Nippon Lever, as well as technical roles at ingredient suppliers Quest International, and Loders Croklaan.

Peter took on the role of Senior Application Specialist Bakery role at the Cargill R&D Centre Europe in Belgium in 2010. This involves providing application and technical support to both customers and internal product development. Over the years, Peter has supported projects related to anything from sugar & fat reduction to plant-based & label-friendly reformulation, while also supporting customers in general troubleshooting, and cost reduction.

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