CT Pack

Julio Perez

Sales Area Manager

Connect: LinkedIn | Biscuit People


Mechatronics Engineer with experience in Automation & Packaging Industry. Leading the Latin America & Caribbean sales area at CT PACK. Skilled in International Sales, Marketing and Business development. Strong commercial area with experience in leading positions, passioned for teamwork and challenges. I love to communicate and appreciate the opportunity to meet new people.

BPC 2024

Factory Automation and Integration

Industry and process are in continues change, necessities are different, and market is constantly demanding new methods, products or tendencies. The automation cannot be behind the change, it is a necessity now, ergonomic, healthy and efficiency are demanding new solutions. Integration of the full line is indispensable to have better control of it, everything must to work like one entity, everything works better if communication, systems and environment are merging as a single unit. Communication is the key.


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